Our volunteers are the friendly face in a strange place who make the seafarers feel more at home. The volunteers visit the ships, drive our vans, and staff our two centers, interacting with seafarers and port workers to be the hands of God when and where needed.
Training...The best training is always on-the-job, and we'll pair you with seasoned volunteers to start. There's also a full orientation program for all newcomers. And we offer quarterly volunteer trainings on special topics, such as communications skills, foreign cultures, port safety and security and crew visiting. We work with you to obtain the necessary credentials to come and go on the Port. All our training is designed to assist you to better assist the seafarers.
For information on becoming a volunteer, contact Peter Boyton at 912-267-0631. Christmas in January 2024
Become a Volunteer...If you feel called to share your time with seafarers who are far from home, simply complete the attached application, save a copy to your computer and then send as an email attachment to [email protected].
We look forward to welcoming you into our family of wonderful volunteers!
Next Volunteer Training: TBD
Volunteer Parties...Our parties are great, with fantastic food and fellowship. Throwing a party in recognition of the work our wonderful volunteers are doing is, we believe, the least we can do.
Once a year, our board of directors sponsors a Low Country Boil for our faithful volunteers to let them know how much they are appreciated and to thank them for their many years of outstanding service to the International Seafarers' Center and our seafaring friends. Volunteer Spotlight... |